Scientists claim to have found perfect diet
Obesity study published in New England Journal of Medicine
As many readers of this diet and weightloss blog know trying to keep weight off isn’t always that easy. Starting off with good intentions is easy but sustaining weight loss over months and years can be a struggle but is there a perfect diet.
Interestingly, researchers in Denmark claim to have found the perfect diet to sustain weight loss over a long period of time. Diet pills can also help people, who are perhaps struggling to keep weight off, as they give extra help in long term weight loss. Review the leading diet pills.
In one of the largest studies of its kind researchers found that a diet with lean meats, reduced fat dairy products, beans and minimal white bread and rice is the best that you can have. This is very similar to the low GI diets that have been around for some time.
One of the most interesting parts of the research was that the scientists claim that calorie counting is not necessary, you should just eat until you feel full. Many diet pills help you feel full by using natural ingredients to replicate those the body gives off naturally. One such diet pill is Zotrim and you can read a review of Zotrim here.
The research, which was undertaken in the University of Copenhagen, compared five diets to see which offered the best sustainable weight loss results. Nearly 1000 overweight people were split into five groups and each given a different diet to follow.
The results illustrated that
Only dieters on the high protein/low glycaemic index programme were able to maintain their new weight.
This research has the potential to affect all those diet plans and clubs which are based on calorie counting. The researchers basically dismiss this approach to weight loss and state that they think the advice given to obese individuals has been wrong.
Thinking about losing weight? Click here for a review of the best diet pills that promote safe weight loss.