Will 2010 be the year you reach your weight loss goals?

The beginning of a new year always brings lots of good intentions, many of us convince ourselves that this year will be the year that I go to the gym three times a week, stop smoking or start the latest diet.

However, once we get back in to our day to day routine it is surprisingly easy to slip back into the bad habits that we had in the previous year. This is especially relevant to those of us who are looking to lose weight when slipping back into our normal environment where raiding the snack machine at work or finishing the children’s tea becomes a hard habit to break.

So what are the best ways to ensure that you meet your weight loss goals in 2010?

1. Keep a journal: This doesn’t have to be war and peace, just somewhere you can record your progress and set goals. If you are really brave then create a blog where your weight loss achievements can be viewed by friends and colleagues. You may be surprised at how many people will encourage you which will in turn give you more energy to exercise.

2. Step by Step: Don’t try to do too much too soon, if you do you are more than likely to become disheartened or give up after the first few days. Set yourself measurable diet goals that are realistic and you are far more likely to be successful.

3. Diet Pills: There are a range of diet pills available today, one of the most popular being Alli which is receiving a substantial amount of media coverage at present. A herbal alternative is Zotrim which claims to be one of the leading natural diet pills available in the UK. Diet Pills can work given the right changes in lifestyle and diet. Furthermore, many of the leading pills have gone through extensive testing to ensure that they are as safe as any other medicine.

4. Treat Yourself: Once you have achieved your goal then make sure that you reward yourself with a treat. Perhaps a trip to the cinema or a meal at your favourite restaurant, whatever you decide then you can be sure that it will help you to keep motivated to achieve your long term weight loss goals.

5. One Month Challenge: Challenge yourself to a one month challenge for losing weight, if you don’t make it then simply start the challenge again the following month. However, if you do make it then set yourself a more exacting challenge for the next 30 days then so on for the next month.

If you follow these 5 tips then you will be more than likely to achieve your weight loss goals in 2010. Remember, losing weight isn’t just about looking good, it has proven benefits to our health and mental wellbeing.

Alli – The Proven Safe Weight Loss Booster

Alli Diet Pill - Weightloss BoosterThere are many weight loss products on the market today, and it is difficult to decide which one is right for you, without unwanted side effects. Many weight loss products have excellent reviews on their web sites with promises of quick and easy weight loss, with little effort or change on their part. However the simple truth is that most people who purchase these products do not gain the desired results unless a major change of lifestyle is followed while using the product. A host of manufacturers and marketing experts have included the proof that the desired results are not achievable without drastic lifestyle changes right under your nose in fine print. The captions under the majority of the before and after photos read in fine print: *results not typical.

Alli Weightloss Booster
With the alli diet pill however, you can purchase with confidence! Alli has been tested and proven effective in boosting weight loss. Studies have found that when changes in eating habits and a regular exercise plan are combined with taking the alli supplement, weight loss is achieved at a healthy, steady pace. A diet that will work must include a change of lifestyle, but also with alli you do not have to feel as if you are being deprived of foods you love.

Eating is actually encouraged by the alli system. Not eating at all can actually slow your body’s metabolism down. By eating the recommended low fat meals found in the alli eating plan, you encourage your body to use the foods to the best of its ability. Alli also recommends that you eat slowly when having your meals as chewing food completely and allowing your body the time it needs to register when your stomach is full will eliminate that bloated feeling caused by over-eating. The alli system also encourages one snack in between the normal three meals a day.

Alli Diet Pill Box
Exercise plays a big part in the success of this product also, as it not only boosts your metabolism, but also makes you feel better. The biggest problem most people have when dieting is self doubt. By exercising and in turn feeling better about yourself, you eliminate the self doubt that is the downfall of most diets. Finding an activity you can have fun doing can be good motivation. Walking around a track, for example, may be fun to some but not to others. The possibilities are endless so make your exercise interesting.

Alli is medically and clinically proven to help boost your weight loss. This system promotes healthy eating, daily exercise, and supplies you with the resources to make yourself feel younger, lighter, and all around healthier.
Alli is safe, easy and effective for adults who are overweight or have a BMI of 28 or over.

New health website launched: Slimming.com

A new website has launched in the UK offering a wide range of advice and diet pills. Slimming.com is based in Nottingham, United Kingdom but can ship products worldwide if required.

Slimming.com is not just another weightloss website, it aims to give the following:

  • Honest and unbiased slimming advice
  • The best products at the cheapest prices
  • Unrivalled customer support
  • An interactive, one-stop shop for weight loss
  • The peace of mind that comes with knowing that you’re dealing with experts
  • Slimming.com has some great deals on the best diet pills available to buy simply and securely online such as Alli, Adios and Lipobind.

    New Zotrim Case Study Released

    Zotrim have released another case study to back up their claims to be the best diet pill which is made from natural ingredients.

    Johanna, 37, has lost 17 pounds using Zotrim and says that high levels of stress led to her overeating. In the main this was caused by having a chronically ill child that needs 24 hours supervision. This has led to a lack of sleep and Johanna was left feeling fatigued so used to snack and overeat as a way of boosting her energy levels.

    Johanna before and after using Zotrim

    Johanna has had self-esteem issues due to being overweight, she was bullied at school because of her size and this traumatic event has affected her throughout her adult life.

    Shopping for clothes has also been a torrid experience for Johanna when shop assistants told her they didn’t stock her size and that she should shop at a store that did. She found this embarrassing and felt ashamed of herself and her weight.

    Johanna has also been stuck in a rut whereby she would like to exercise but doesn’t have the confidence to swim or go to salsa classes. This is where a diet pill such as Zotrim can help aid weight loss in a natural way to give slimmers the confidence to take exercise.

    Using Zotrim has helped Johanna eat smaller proportions and resist the temptation to snack, this means she eats fewer calories but still feels satisfied.

    Zotrim have released a new offer for Christmas, Buy 2 Zotrim pill pots for £30 (360 tablets), simply visit the official Zotrim site.

    Is Slimshot an alternative to Diet Pills?

    Slimshot is a slimming drink that is taken three times per day complimenting the body’s natural body clock. Many dieters are considering Slimshot or similar drinks instead of diet pills – But are they a viable alternative?

    Slimshot has three pills each working in a slightly different way:

    Slimshot morning removes the fats that have become stored in your body.

    Slimshot noon reduces the absorption of fats by supressing appetite

    Slimshot night burns fats through a thermogenic method

    This is very similar to the way that diet pills work and there are some common ingredients such as Yerba Mate in Slimshot which are also found in diet pills such as Zotrim.

    However, one of the main differences between Slimshot and traditional diet pills is that Slimshot contains  a range of antioxidants and minerals, thus aiding general health as well as weight loss. There are not many diet pills that offer these additional benefits but it should be remembered that vitamins are still best consumed by eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables.

    Diet Pills are probably more convenient to take than Slimshot because they can be taken anywhere with a drink of water. However, Slimshot has to be taken by dissolving tablets in water to produce an effervescent drink.

    So should you choose diet pills or a product such as Slimshot? This really depends on your requirements, if you feel that you are getting enough vitamins and minerals from your diet then diet pills are the best option. However, if you want to boost your antioxidant and vitamin intake then you may wish to try a product such as Slimshot.

    You can buy slimshot securely on line from the specialist weight loss website slimming.com

    Mother of two loses over 4 stone with Zotrim

    Heidi Lambeth loses over 4 stone with diet pill Zotrim

    Since the relaunch of diet pill Zotrim earlier this year the brand has continued to go from strength to strength.

    There are a number of success stories from dieters using Zotrim including Heidi Lambert, a busy mum of two. She was shocked to find that her weight had increased to 16 stone 4 pounds. Like many busy mothers, Heidi often found herself snacking on her childrens leftovers, also she was satisfying her appetite by eating large meals and sugary foods.

    Heidi discovered Zotrim when it was recommended to her by a friend, by this time she was keen to lose weight after feeling self conscious about her figure and fed up with unpleasant comments about her weight.
    The diet pill met her expectations and she was soon able to control her eating habits without going on a diet which would have been hard to maintain with her busy lifestyle.

    Heidi got fast results with Zotrim and was able to drop a dress size within weeks of using the diet pill. This initial success gave her the confidence to carry on taking Zotrim on a long term basis. Two years on Heidi has lost over 4 stone and can fit into a size 12 dress.

    Heidi’s family have also benefited from her use of Zotrim, she commented that ” “I have been able to pass on my good food habits to my whole family. My husband has also lost weight due to decreased portion sizes and my family is much healthier in general.”

    Slimming Patches – Are they as effective as diet pills?

    Are Slimming patches a viable alternative to diet pills?

    A number of dieters are trying slimming patches, but do they work as effectively as diet pills?

    How do slimming patches work?

    Slimming patches work in the same way as diet pills in so much as they use ingredients to supress appetite or increase feeling of fullness so that you do not eat as much at mealtimes. However, rather than taking these ingredients in a capsule the slimming patch is worn in much the same way as nicotine patches are worn by people who want to give up smoking. The vital ingredients to aid weight loss are absorbed through the skin rather than the digestive system.

    Are there many success stories for users of slimming patches?

    Slimming Patches have not been around for as long as diet pills and are a relatively new addition to the slimming world. Therefore, there are not as many success stories when compared with diet pills such as Zotrim. That does not mean that slimming patches do not work but suggests that it will take a few more years before slimming patches become as popular as diet pills.

    Are diet patches safe to use?

    There does not seem to be any reported side effects from users of diet patches, however, remember that you should take the same precautions when buying slimming patches as you would any other product. Always buy from a reputable source, look for natural ingredients and try to ensure that some favourable testimonials are available from succesful users of the patch you intend to buy.

    Conclusion – Is the Diet Patch betther than the Diet Pill

    Diet Patches are yet to prove as effective as diet pills as a method of controlling weight loss. However, as further research goes into improving weight loss through diet patches it is likely they will be used on a wider basis.

    If you prefer to try a diet pill rather than a diet patch then check out our diet pill review. If you want to review a diet patch look at the -->

    Do Herbal Diet Pills Really Work?

    Do herbal diet pills really work or are the best diet pills those that contain non-natural ingredients?

    Herbal weight loss pills are a natural way of losing weight, using natural, organic ingredients. However, are they as effective as the popular diet pill Alli which is available over the counter and online?

    There are lots of herbal remedies available to cure many health problems and there has been an explosion of herbal weight loss products available to buy online and over the counter in the past few years. One such product is Zotrim, this herbal diet pill has been available for many years but has recently seen an increase in sales as it has been relaunched to coincide with the popularity of herbal diet pills.

    Zotrim is one of the few herbal diet pills that has been proven to work with a number of testimonials from dieters who have lost weight easily. Furthermore, Zotrim has been proven side effect free which is a big plus when comparing with other diet pills such as Alli, which can have nasty side effects if you do not follow the manufacturers guidelines.

    So it would seem that many herbal diet pills do work but you should be sure that you choose a diet pill that has a proven track record and is side effect free.

    Acai Berry Diet – Natural weight loss solution?

    Losing weight is a must for many people, however not many seem able to reach that goal. Either the weight just doesn’t want to come off or in many cases it just doesn’t come off fast enough! Thankfully, there is now a solution to this big problem and its possibly a solution that people would never think of and thats the power of the Acai Berry.

    How can a berry do this? Well, the berry can be used in lots of different forms and is delivered as capsules, purees, juices, powders, or may be freeze dried. The reason for this is that the fruit can become perishable very quickly and so has to be placed in other forms.
    Many people are drawn toward the capsule because of the fact that the fruit is refined very quickly and placed with the capsule, which preserves the nutrition.


    The Acai Berry is very high in antioxidants which are able to easily get rid of all the toxins that are in the body. When the toxins are flushed out of the body, the body is able to metabolize food much better. Therefore, when you get a boost in your metabolism, your body will burn fat much quicker and will also be more likely to create muscle when you incorporate exercise and a good diet into your Acai Berry detox diet.

    Just by adding Acai Berry to your diet, you could expect to lose anything between 5 and 20 pounds in “junk” that resides in your body. Alongside this, you are also getting some amazing benefits that include quick weight loss together with increased energy levels as well as decreasing the risk of heart attack, cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

    The easiest way

    If you have precious little time to make anything to put with Acai Berry to eat or drink, you can take it in capsule form. PureAcaiBerry.com has got Acai Berry in capsule form which can be taken quickly with no fuss, so you can take it quickly and carry on with other things in your usual day to day life. You get 100% pure, certified organic Acai Berry that has all of the benefits that you need. It is simply condensed into a capsule.

    So next time you wonder why you aren’t losing weight and what you can do about it, think Detox in a natural way.

    What is the best way to take Acai?

    Acai Berry Juice, Capsules, Teas, Powders, or Purees

    Acai Berry comes in juice, capsules, teas, powders, and purees. You can take it any way you prefer.

    However, there is one method that most people prefer when it comes to Acai Berry and that is taking the capsules as a supplement. Why do people prefer the capsules when the juice of the Acai Berry contains so much and makes a great food? Well, some people simply don’t have the time to prepare their food all of the time.

    The capsule

    When comparing the capsule against the juice, tea, powder, or puree, there is one thing that differentiates the capsule and that’s the fact that it is easy for you to store and you can easily take it when you are out of the house. Furthermore, because the capsules come in specific doses, you can be sure that you are tkaing the correct dose each time, every time.

    The Acai Diet Pill has a number of benefits:

    • Fast Weight as Acai can increase your metabolism very quickly meaning you burn fat quicker
    • You’ll have more energy as your metabolism increases again helping to burn calories
    • Acai Berry is rich is antioxidants so as well as being a top diet pill it can help your immune system

    So basically, you are getting immediate weight loss, detox in a pill, and a happier you that has the energy to do more.

    The ingredients

    The Acai Berry capsules contain 100% pure ingredients. You don’t have to deal with a bunch of artificial ingredients thrown into the capsule. You need 1,000mg to see results, but you can take up to 1500mg in a capsule and see great results.

    So what you are getting is something that is completely natural and does not contain lots of additives like some other diet pills. The Acai Berry is truly one of the super foods, there are not many other diet pills that can make this claim..

    If you would like to experience the benefits of the Acai Berry go to the secure online site of www.PureAcaiBerry.com and buy today whilst stocks last!