Alli Diet Pill Review

Alli Diet Pill Review:

Alli Diet Pill Box
Full Product Name: Alli
Manufacturer: GlaxoSmithKline
Diet Pill Classification: Fat Binder
Where to Purchase Alli: Boots,

Main Ingredients: Orlistat
Cost: £35.95 for a one months supply or as little has 53p per pill (3 packs of 84 pills)
Side Effects: Some problems with bowel movements if you exceed fat targets
Advantages: Extensive medical studies prove this diet pill works
Disadvantages: Only available to those with BMI of 28 or above
Alternative Product: Capsiplex
Diet Pills Reviewed Overall Rating: 7 out of 10
Diet Pills Reviewed Comment:
The Alli slimming pill is undoubtedly the most famous diet pill available to buy without prescription. It was launched with the marketing power of GlaxoSmithKline behind it and received much media coverage and stirred up the whole diet pill marketplace.

The slimming capsule works by absorbing some of the fat that is consumed so it does not attach itself to your body! For every 2 lb (1 kg) you lose from eating healthily, using alli can help you lose 1 lb (1/2 kg) more.


Does Alli do what it says on the packet?

The answer has to be a definite yes and it has a number of user stories available to back up the scientific evidence. However, the major drawback with Alli is that you may experience some unpleasant side effects should you exceed the fat targets which are explained when you take this diet pill.

Furthermore, you should only commence a course of Alli if your body mass index registers 28 or over , so this diet pill is not for the dieter who just wants some help to shift that extra weight in time for a last minute holiday.

Alli is a proven slimming pill that has scientific approval throughout Europe even though there are some concerns that one of the major ingredients Orlistat may affect the liver of some people taking this pill. The link between Orlistat and liver damage has not been fully established but it is something worth taking into account.

Overall Alli will probably continue its phenomenal growth in the diet pill market espescially as it is made by one of the worlds largest drug companies.

Alli certainly has the potential to make you lose weight and feel great, but as with any diet pill you should look at the pros and cons before you buy.


Alli Side Effects – Is this Diet Pill Safe??

Alli Side Effects – Is this diet pill safe?

alli diet pill side effects

Alli is a proven weight loss pill, but what are the side effects?

Question: I have heard lots of great things about Alli, but I’m a bit worried about the side effects?

Alli is probably one of the most well known diet pills available to buy over the counter. The makers GlaxoSmithKline will have spent millions of pound researching this product to make sure it’s safe. However, as with any drug you are right to consider what might be the potential side effects?

As with any diet pill there is lots of mis-information on the Internet  about Alli and indeed any other weight loss pill. However, the main side effects you are likely to experience with Alli are when you consume too much fat in your diet.

Question: So, I still can’t eat whatever I want then?

No, as with the majority of diet pills, you are recommended to reduce your fat intake, if you don’t do this then you are likely to experience the following Alli side effects:

  • Excessive Wind
  • Oily Spotting
  • Sudden Bowel Movements
  • Fatty or Oily Stools

Question: Sounds nasty, is it really worth the effort then?

Lots of people have used this diet pill succesfully and without side effects. Also, just to remind you that these side effects are only likely to occur if you exceed your fat targets.

But how do I know how much fat I am eating?

As part of the Alli diet programme you will be given information on how to work out your likely fat consumptions. Following the guidelines should help alleviate the side effects of Alli.

What about the side effects of Orlistat, one of the ingredients of Alli?

There seems to have been some isolated incidents regarding Alli in the USA. The U.S Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has stated that there is not a a cause and effect relationship of severe liver injury with orlistat use has not been established.

My BMI is under 28, is Alli suitable for me?

No, Alli should only be taken by individuals with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 28 or above. If you are not sure how to calculate your BMI consult your chemist or GP.

So, where can I find out more about Alli?

You can read our Alli Diet Pill Review.

Are there any alternatives to Alli?

Yes, many dieters have tried Capsiplex which does not have the same side effects as Alli. You can read our Capsiplex diet pill full review.
