It is now an accepted fact that UK society has a health problem with a number of people classed as overweight or obese. If you are debating on whether you should lose weight then consider the following:
1. Healthier people live longer: Fact. Yes we’ve all heard the story about the man that never eat any fruit, ate takeaways every day and then lived to be 105. However, these are the exceptions that prove the rule and not a risk many of us should take. If you want to live a long life and see as much of life as possible then try to lose weight today.
2. Type 2 Diabetes: We are starting to see that those people who are overweight are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes. Eating healthily, exercising regularly means you can significantly decrease the risk of developing this disease.
3. Mental Health: Maintaining a healthy weight helps your mental well being. Your self image is likely to be higher if you look and feel great, plus you’re are less likely to develop mental health problems which can be exacerbated by an unhealthy lifestyle.
We do have an obsession with fad diets in the UK, most of which simply do not work or can be dangerous. Furthermore, who wants to eat brocolli all the time! Better to have a balanced diet, exercise and have a treat now and again to reward yourself. You can always supplement your diet with one of the many diet pills which can be bought online.