Will new diet pills target certain areas?

Next generation of slimming pills could reduce fat in certain problem fat zones.

In a recent test undertaken by boffins at Oxford and Cambridge they discovered that even though you may exercise and eat well you still may be likely to put on weight around your middle. This is because you inherited certain “fat” genes from your parents.

This study increases the chances that, in the future, we will be able to take the best diet pills that are clever and can reduce fat in certain areas and only those areas. For example, if you want to reduce weight around your tummy then you may take a diet pill dedicated to reducing fat in the stomach area.

The likelihood of a smart diet pill will be exciting news for individuals who may not necessarily overweight but want to lose weight in a certain area such as “muffin tops” or “love handles”.

The research is ongoing so don’t expect to see the next generation of diet pills for sale anytime soon. In the meantime if you want to lose weight using a diet pill why not try Capsiplex? You can read a full review of this natural diet pill here.

Slimming with Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate Juice clinically proven to help you with weight loss…

Recent medical studies have shown that pomegranate juice can really help you with your weight loss objectives. How? Well Pomegranante is one of the so called “Superfoods” that as well as having weight loss benefits also acts as a detox to your system as it is packed full of antioxidants.

However, drinking pomegranante juice each day can be a bit tedious and as some people don’t like the taste then they choose to take pomegranate in an easy to swallow capsule. UniquePomegranate™ is one of the best natural pomegranate slimming pills available today. It can be bought securely online and by clicking here you can save a massive 38% off the recommended retail price.

UniquePomegranate™ can assist in lowering blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, speed up your metabolism and remove toxins from your body. A reallly powerful supplement and one which will help you to lose weight.

Real Life Diet Pill Stories

Are you looking for a diet pill that works? Well don’t just take the manufacturers word for it, take a look at these real life stories and make up your own mind:

Zotrim Diet Pill

Sharon Briers Diet Pill Success

Natures Remedies Limited

Starting weight: 13 stone
Current weight: 9 stone
Total weight loss: 4 stone

Always happy with her slim figure, Sharon Briers never had any concerns about her weight before until she had a baby. Putting on over 4 stone during her pregnancy, Sharon’s clothes size increased from a slim size 10 to a larger size 16, leaving her feeling uncomfortable about her appearance.
Determined to get back to her former weight, Sharon thought the only way she could effectively lose weight was by sticking to a strict low calorie diet that cut out all her favourite foods.

However, no matter how much work she put into her diet, the temptation to consume more food was hard to ignore: “I dreaded dieting. Food was such an important part of my life.” After trying a number of meal replacements and exercise regimes with no impact on her weight, Sharon was about to give up when she saw Zotrim. For the first time in a while, Sharon felt confident she could lose those extra pounds and that Zotrim was the diet pill she was looking for. Without radically changing her diet or exercise plan.

Months later, Sharon is the proud owner of a lovely, confidence boosting size 10 figure and feels wonderful. Zotrim is simple to work into my hectic life and really effective at helping me eat less.

Buy Zotrim today and start losing weight as quickly as Sharon Briers

Proactol Diet Pill

Laura Price’s Diet Pill Success


Unique Hoodia Diet Pill

Rachel Holden’s Diet Pill Success

Michelle Mone and TrimSecrets

More coverage on Michelle Mone and her new figure – But is it down to diet pill Trimsecrets?

Michelle Mone has been showing off her new figure in the press today (02/10/2010). This is mainly due to the fact that she is promoting her underwear range in a new advert. Mrs Mone looks impressive as she strips off but is her weight loss success down to a diet pill or just old fashioned exercise and diet?

Although, she is still very much the public face of TrimSecrets the media coverage puts her weight loss down to early morning running, sit-ups and a banning of snack food at her office. The TrimSecrets website does seem to be a little light on information when compared to other diet pills that are available on the market.

Therefore, those people who are looking for the best diet pill that is available online may want to look at the herbal diet pill Zotrim. This natural diet pill has been proven to help weight loss and makes no secret of the ingredients that it contains.

You can buy the Zotrim diet pill online safely and securely by clicking here, buy today and you can take advantage of a 25% discount and a money back guarantee.

Weight Loss and Pomegranate Juice

Scientists believe pomegranate juice can help with weight loss

It has been reported that drinking pomegranate juice can help you lose those unwanted love handles or muffin tops.

Researchers undertook a study whereby volunteers consumed a bottle of pomegrante juice each day. Their results showed that volunteers were less likely to put on weight around their abdomen.

In addition, the study showed additional health benefits such as lower blood pressure. The experiment was undertaken over a four week period where the men and women were given a 500 ml bottle of pomegranate juice daily for four weeks.

One of the Doctors involved in the study stated that there was undoubtable evidence that consuming pomegranate juice reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. The research is to be expanded to obese or overweight volunteers to understand the effects on those already overweight.

There are a number of other natural weight loss products on the market including Zotrim, this diet pill is thought to be one of the best diet pills available and can be bought online by clicking here.

Pomegranate juice is also thought to enhance sexual performance as the antioxidants increase the amount of blood flow to the genitals. There are also a number of performance increasing drugs, that contain pomegranate, available including Performer 5 which can be bought online by clicking here.

UK fat map published

A new map has been constructed illustrating the regional differences in the amount of saturated fat consumed throughout the UK

A study by multinational food conglomerate Unilever looked at individual areas of the UK and found substantial differences in the amount of saturated fat that is consumed.

Residents in Scotland were discovered to consume the most saturated fat in their diet, eating a huge 55g/day.(The recommended guideline daily amount is 30g for males and 20g for women). This demonstrates that women in Scotland are consuming 175% more fat than is recommended. Lancashire was next with 44g/ day followed by Wales and the South East, Midlands and Anglia with 31/32g consumed per day. Only Anglia and London/South East managed to consume less than 30g of saturated fat per day, making us one of the most unhealthiest countries in Europe.

Advanced Health LTD

The research concluded that, overall, Britons are eating too much saturated fat in their daily diets. Consumption of too much saturated fats can result in raised cholesterol, heart disease and stroke. They are found in foods like butter, cheese, sausages, bacon, pies, biscuits, cakes and pastries.

Most health professionals would probably concur that the study confirms why heart disease is more common in certain areas of the UK, namely those who regularly eat a diet containing more saturated fat.